Thursday, September 17, 2015

Substitute Teaching in LPS

There have been a few questions and comments about substitute teaching.  Here are the things to keep in mind apropos the MAet.
  • Substitute teaching cannot be considered a form of income. CEHS student teachers are allowed to sub a maximum of 10 5 times.
  • In order become a certified local substitute teacher, a school system must request the certification. LPS will only recommend issuing a certificate if you have gone through a complete application process.
  • A complete application process requires completing a formal “orientation”. The orientation sessions are always scheduled on a Friday, early in the month, from 8:00 am – 1 pm.
  • Given that your TEAC 811A class is scheduled 10:30 am-1:20 pm on Friday until Dec. 11, and that the instructor has clear expectations for “professional commitment and class participation,” the earliest orientation you could attend is Jan. 15.
  • You can begin your application today, and you should, but it will not be compete until you do the orientation and take the TeacherInsight test.
  • Here are some salient points about that Gallup TeacherInsight test. 
    • You only get to take it once per school district. No “re-takes” in the short-term.
    • You will never learn your score. Hard cheese.
    • Like many districts, LPS uses it as a screen for applicants and it sets a cut-score for whether an application is reviewed for an interview (this is the right of a school district to screen applicants the way it wants).
    • The score you get when you take it for a sub application is the same score that will be used for an application for any other certified teaching position in a district.
    • It is a timed, forced-choice test with multiple choice and Likert scale questions. No time for reflection.
    • You can prepare for it only by knowing what it is about. There is no way to “study” for it since it is not about content (subject matter), teaching or curriculum. It is a “values inventory.”
    • You can read one of the only published scholarly articles on the TI here.
I will offer a small information workshop in December for those who are interested. 


  1. The TeacherInsight used to be called the "Perceiver".

  2. Also, you can only substitute teach in the school and classroom in which you have been placed.

