Monday, September 28, 2015

Math Studio Visit

Dr. Ruth Heaton has arranged for you for visit schools that are using Math Studio. This is a fine and rare opportunity to see cutting-edge mathematics education and teacher professional development up-close and that is firmly aligned with your math methods class. 

There are 2 schools in the Omaha Public Schools for these visits. This will involve half the cohort visiting one school, the other half visiting another, for 2 consecutive afternoons 12:30-3:30 PM half-days. The dates are Oct. 28-29 and Nov. 4-5 respectively. 

What you need to do.  Consult your schedule and speak with your CT. Determine which of the 2 days is better for you apropos any field assignments you are doing at your internship site. After your course field assignments, anything else is a secondary concern at this point (TEAC 894 is not full-time student teaching, but a deliberately flexible practicum to take advantage of opportunities like Math Studio). If there are major conflicts with any assignments let me know.

I would like you to do this ASAP (today) so that when you arrive at your TEAC 808 class tomorrow, you and Dr. Heaton can finalize the plan. This will involve a commute and you should plan on leaving Lincoln 11-11:30 AM (think about car pooling). This will still permit you to be at your internship site in the AM. 

Have a great week!

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