Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Reminder for tomorrow: find scholarly articles not practitioner periodicals

As indicated in the syllabus, the new, extending knowledge articles (books or book chapters) you find for tomorrow and for which you write an annotation must be scholarly
These should NOT include: commercial textbooks or textbook chapters (methods or otherwise), district curriculum materialstrade or practitioner periodicals (such as The Reading Teacher or Phi Delta Kappan), self-published books, or videos*. Why none of these kinds of texts? They are not acceptable forms of scholarship to be used as evidence in your comprehensive exam responses.
Here are examples of "practitioner periodicals" or magazines that are out of bounds: 

  • Education Week

Also, do not use things from the What Works Clearinghouse. 
Remember the rule of thumb: These kinds of texts are not useless! Rather, you must see them as resources: (1) that can help you see how ideas (such as assessment) can be organized and how language is used and (2) that have their own bibliographies that can lead you to scholarly works.

*E.g., TED talks.

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