Monday, July 13, 2015

PLC Question


A good rule of thumb is to start with the district schedule. The SPED 801 instructor has traditionally allowed students to leave early on the few days there are PLCs. But one should always be respectful, not presumptuous or demanding,  and ask her if this is possible. Remember, UNL coursework always is the priority in the fall. Wednesdays and Thursdays are the dedicated time for being at the school site and PLCs are strongly encouraged when possible since they are opportunities to see collegiality in action.


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On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 8:56 AM -0700, "Heather" <> wrote:
Good morning Dr. Swidler, I have noticed that on the schedule I received from my CT the scheduled time for PLCs at Elliott is 1:50 PM on Tuesdays.  I notice that the time listed on the MAet calendar is 2:30 PM on Tuesdays.  In talking with other cohort members it seems as though they are also on early dismal schedules of 1:50 PM on Tuesdays.  With the difference in time I'm wondering how this will impact the cohort's Special Education course on Tuesday afternoons.   Kind regards, Heather

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