Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Historic Day

Whatever your personal stance on the death penalty, this was a historic day.

From the NY Times:
LINCOLN, Neb. — Nebraska on Wednesday became the first conservative state in more than 40 years to abolish the death penalty, with lawmakers defying their Republican governor, Pete Ricketts, a staunch supporter of capital punishment who had lobbied vigorously against banning it.
Opponents of the death penalty here were able to build a coalition that spanned the ideological spectrum by winning the support of Republican legislators who said they believed capital punishment was inefficient, expensive and out of place with their party’s values, as well as that of lawmakers who cited religious or moral reasons for supporting the repeal. 
Amazing. Nebraska NEVER leads the nation on social and political issues. Today it did. This organization was important in forming an effective legislative strategy. George Norris would be proud of what the unicameral did this day.

Read more here, the OWH here and the LJS here.

This is a nice piece by Matthew Hansen in the World Herald.

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