Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Math NAEP Scores Drop for 4th and 8th Grades

From Education Week today:
U.S. 4th and 8th grade students are performing worse in math, and somewhat worse in reading, than they were two years ago, according to new data from a national test. 
The results were a surprise to some since scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress had been showing an upward trend over the last two decades.

Monday, October 26, 2015

How Can UNL Students Get a Flu Shot?

Make an appointment by calling 402-472-5000.

It is highly recommended to make an appointment to get your flu shot at the University Health Center.

Walk-in flu shots are available during the following times, but due to the high traffic in the Medical Clinic, expect a wait.
Monday-Thursday: 7:45-11:30 am
Friday: 8:00-11:30 am and 1:30-4:00 pm

more info here>>>

You can help protect the most vulnerable groups by getting vaccinated yourself

Here is why you should get vaccinated.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Better late than never

If our kids had more free time at school, what would you want them to do with it?
A) Learn to play a musical instrument?
B) Study a new language?
C) Learn how to code HTML?
D) Take more standardized tests?

The President finally concedes that there is too much testing and his administration and his Education Secretary have done nothing about it. Better late that never, I guess. If there is one area that the Obama administration has failed badly, it is in education policy. It doubled down on testing and made life miserable for teachers and chased amy away. 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Extra Cash

It is now OK for you to go ahead to register for the ETS NOTE pilot test. Yeah, $250 cash. You should use the e-mail contact on the flyer to initiate the process:

Once you e-mail them, you will get information on how to register. It will be just the same way you registered for taking the PRAXIS CORE exam at the Prometric test center.

I want you take this as close to the Dec. 4 deadline as possible.  The more of your reading and math methods coursework you have behind you the better your score and more valid the results.

Math Studio Visit Update

It will work out for the entire cohort to visit the Math Studio classrooms on Wednesday and Thursday of Oct. 28 and 29

You should verify with your CT that you will need to leave both of those days early from your internship site so you can travel and arrive at the school before 1 PM. Again,  you should verify with Dr. Heaton the particulars of the visit.
